Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Stop Chasing Symptoms. Get to the Root Cause of Illness Free Breakfast

Free Breakfast Thursday January 16th at 10 AM
Learn how to Stop Chasing Symptoms. Get to the Root Cause of Illness
Join us for an informational discussion to learn about the
Must RSVP to Julie Kane 321-276-0578 to get breakfast paid for
 Stop Chasing Symptoms.  Get to the Root Cause of Illness-
Simple Solutions to Mitochondrial Dysfunction: Abnormal or Mutated cells, Confused Immune System, Blood Pressure Imbalance, Elevated or Low Blood Sugar, Neurological & Shaking, Children’s Communication, Lack of Energy, Memory, Discomfort, Sleepless, Overweight.   Digestion & GI, Yeast, Immune, Joint Comfort & Libido 321-276-0578
Virgin Olive Market 807 N. Orange Ave. Orlando, Fl 32801

It works Every time!

Fungus is everywhere, if you have symptoms of anything, If you deal with it like you would fungus, you will have much better results bringing your body back to balance.  Works every time.  The fungus or bad bacteria ratio to good bacteria imbalance makes our body very acidic. 

Monday, January 13, 2014

Non Profit Seminar for "Why I Love My ADD." Parents, Teachers, Health Care, Councilors

Upcoming event in Tampa Bay, Orlando, and Maitland: "Why I Love My ADD." Please support my efforts for the kids. If you live in the area, come to the seminar. Please pass this along. ADD is not a disease, nor should it be treated as one. 

The Results Project, a 501c3 non profit that works with ADD/ADHD kids." We are holding a seminar the end of January on the POSITIVES of ADD and ADD success traits, and we help the parent find what could be causing ADD like symptoms, and we do so in a NON-pharmaceutical way. ......"    This seminar is CEU accredited and I am inviting teachers, parents, councilors, health care professionals. The cost is $10 and CEU's are free. Thank you for stepping up to take care of our children, they are the ones that will be taking care of us and running America. Please put Julie Kane as referral.

You can register for the seminar here: 

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Fungus Among Us?

Fungal Brain infections, once considered rare, are becoming more common, one reason is because patients are on long term antibiotic therapy which encourage mold overgrowth.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Ever wonder why most Americans are on medications?

Fungus is a parasite that is trying to stay alive inside of us.  That’s why we crave starches & sugar. We have to starve these parasites while we kill them with antifungals.  We want to get them out of our bodies before they emit their poisons.  Their poisons are what causes inflammation in our tissues.  Find out what foods are inflammatory with fungus & avoid them.  Ever wonder why most Americans are on medications?